Coquille School District No. 8
would like to highly recommend MultiNET as an alternative to other more costly means of technology services.
County of Del Norte
(With MultiNET) Not only do we get immediate response to our problems, but also our maintenance costs have decreased dramatically.
Gates Furniture
With Remote Administrator and an IP address (MultiNET) can access my network from their office!
Naumes, Inc.
I especially rely on your ability to support us through the ALERT! Support Program!
Pacific Retirement Services, Inc.
Having the MultiNET staff keeping an eye on things allows you to focus on the bigger picture of your business...and added peace of mind is never a bad thing.
Watson & McMichael, CPA, PC
Using ALERT has allowed me to focus on those tasks that I do best without the interruption that follows a normal network administrator.
YMCA Rogue Valley
With this connection, the dedicated ALERT! engineers can start solving the problem immediately (rather than hours or days later).